WPC2029 Live – Guide To Dashboard Login & Registration


WPC2029 stands for World Pitmaster Cock 2029. It is a tournament that is related to cockfighting majorly conducted in Philippines and Indonesian countries. Most of the people in various countries will not know about this tournament but from the time when social media has become popular across the world this tournament called WPC2029.live came to limelight. Now various people from across the globe know about this tournament.

It’s not only just a game or a tournament, many people will place bets on the cocks and win money. According to the 2022 census this cockfight industry has an annual revenue of $1.5 billion. If you are looking for complete details about this WPC2029 tournament then you are at a correct place, we will let you know completely about this game and its features.

What Exactly Does WPC2029 Mean?

For the people who are living in the Philippines and Indonesia we need not explain what WPC2029 is, but for the people across other countries we need to say what exactly is the WPC2029 tournament and how it is conducted. Various breeds of roosters or cocks will be brought here to make them participate in this competition. You can watch and enjoy these cock fights or if you are interested you can even place a bet on your favorite cocks, so that if you win the bet then you can earn some amount of money.

In the Philippines every year this cockfighting is conducted. It is gaining more popularity day by day. If you want to visit and participate in these WPC2029 tournaments you need to register beforehand. If you want tickets at the last moment it will not be possible.

Registration Process For WPC2029 Live

Below we had mentioned clearly about the registration process of WPC2029

  • First you have to visit the official website of cockfighting which is https://wpc2029.live/
  • Now create Your ID, Username and password form the dashboard which you will be able to see.
  • Now click on submit details.
  • You will get an acknowledgement to your email id which you had submitted earlier.
  • Click on the activation link that’s it you are registered on WPC2029.

Login Process For WPC2029.Live

After doing registration on wpc2029.live now you can login to the website.

  • Now click on the login page
  • Enter the username and password which you had created at the time of registration.
  • Click on sign in, that’s it you will log into your account.
  • Now you can fill in all your details like first name, Last name, phone number and any other information that is asked in the dashboard.

After entering the WPC2029.live website you can book your tickets for the events or you can also watch the tournament online.

What To Do If You Forget The Password

If you forget the password of WPC2029 login then you need not to worry because it is very simple to recover it. Just click on the forget password option and then enter your email ID, now a link will be sent to your registered mail. With the help of the link you can create the new password and login.

Is It Safe To Use WPC2029?

Yes it is completely safe to use the WPC2029.live website and watch Rooster competitions and live tournaments. People from different countries express their interest to watch cock fightings. Some may see directly by going to the tournaments but some people may see at WPC2029 Live virtually. Till this it is safe but if you are placing any bets on the cocks in this tournament then you must be careful because there is an equal possibility of gaining money and losing money. So if you place your bets cleverly then you can earn big, if not will get looted.

Similar Websites Like WPC2029

There are some more websites which are similar to wpc2029.live on the internet. We listed them below, you can go through them if you are unable to use this website

  • WPC15.com
  • SL418.com
  • Sw418.com
  • Sl618.live
  • WPC2021.live
  • WPC2025.live
  • WPC2023.live
  • WPC2022.live
  • WPC2026.live
  • MBC2030.live

Final Say

Now you have come to know what exactly WPC2029 means and what it is made for. Many people in the world have interest in many types of games and sports. This is also one kind of game which is fascinated by many people across the globe. WPC2029.live is also making a good revenue from conducting the tournaments. They are looking to spread these games to different countries but in many countries animal abuse is banned so in only some countries it is allowed because it includes cockfighting which leads to death of cocks while fighting.

Also Read: How Does Google Make Money?


Which animals are used in WPC2029 tournaments?

Different breeds of Cocks or roosters are used in this competition. They will bring various types of roosters from different countries at the time of competition.

Is it free or do we have to pay money to watch it live?

No it is not free, we need to buy a ticket to watch the tournament live. If you want to watch it virtually you need to take a subscription.

Is betting allowed in these games?

Yes they will allow people to place bets on their favourite ones. It is legal to place bets in countries like philippines.

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