Cyber Distancing – Working Safely From The Home Network
The substantial increase in home offices has blurred the boundaries between work and private life for many employees. If companies do not use virtual desktop technology that separates the employees’ homes from the work environment, data can be at risk. At some companies, the employees’ home networks are equipped with levels of security such as […]
The Business of Internet Security and the Dark Web
These days we do everything online, from shopping to internet banking — even conducting medical appointments and job interviews. Every second, millions of people are handing masses of personal information over to businesses via the internet, often without a second thought for their own privacy and safety. The vast majority of the time we have […]
Ethical Hacking – How Can It Benefit Organizations?
Cybercrime is one of the top concerns of businesses, which are exposed to increasing threats and attacks. Organizations must protect their critical data and know-how to manage the cloud, and in certain sectors, critical systems that could be the target of attack and have serious consequences for companies and for society must be protected. The […]