Big Data As A Fundamental Element In Business Strategy
Increasingly, companies are aware of the value that the use of real-time analytics brings to their businesses, which is why Big Data technology is increasingly present in the business fabric. We are in the perfect moment to exploit this technology that offers great analysis capabilities. Accumulating and analyzing historical data is essential for the further […]
Remote Engineering In The Times Of Corona
The coronavirus makes it difficult to maintain production chains that require personal presence in groups. Augmented Reality could greatly advance virtual work in the next few years. But is remote work conceivable in engineering? While video conferencing with distant colleagues is now almost part of everyday life, there are still many analog workflows in engineering. […]
Networking – The Engine Of Companies
In an increasingly competitive world, it is more vital than ever for any company to take advantage of all the possibilities available to generate business opportunities. And, in this sense, networking is a very effective formula for this. What is it and what are the best ways to do it? The 3 advantages of networking […]
Ethical Hacking – How Can It Benefit Organizations?
Cybercrime is one of the top concerns of businesses, which are exposed to increasing threats and attacks. Organizations must protect their critical data and know-how to manage the cloud, and in certain sectors, critical systems that could be the target of attack and have serious consequences for companies and for society must be protected. The […]
Risks That Consumers Still See In IoT Security?
We live in exciting times in which technological developments are opening the doors to services and devices never seen before. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of these global technologies that interest us because of the possibilities they offer consumers, but at the same time, it is one of the most worries or doubts […]
DATABASE: A Database For Every Need
One question I am frequently asked is: why do we offer so many different database products? From my point of view, the answer is simple: developers want their applications to have a solid architecture and to be able to scale efficiently. To do this, they need to be able to use multiple databases and data […]
5 Key Steps To Face Cloud Compliance Challenge
Cloud technology is becoming a key piece for many companies, due to the multiple benefits it brings. However, there are also many risks associated with these new work environments, as there are more and more security breaches in this type of corporate tools. For this reason, we identify the 6 key points to implement a […]
IoT: Benefits Of IoT For The Transport And Logistics Sector
In terms of logistics and transport, connected technology, IoT devices, and increasingly sophisticated communication networks allow improving production processes in each phase. In addition, it increases efficiency in the supply chain, reduces time and saves costs. This technology enables industrial automation and digitization in a sector that can take much advantage of advances given the […]
Mechanizing Business Cycle Documents is a Success & A Necessity For SMEs of the digital age
Mechanize those tasks in which any type of business cycle documents are involved, helps to save time, minimize the margin of error and optimize the resources used. At a time when speed, transparency, and security prevail, it is important to transfer to SMEs – also the rest of larger organizations – the need to print […]
Three Recommendations To Address The Digital Divide In SMEs
Change the culture of SMEs regarding technology and its contribution to competitiveness, efficiency, and productivity, acquire the necessary training and skills – well through the formation of internal talent, or through the recruitment of new talents – and improve conventional financing channels, as well as finding new sources of financing, are the three recommendations that […]