Category: Artificial intelligence

Robotic Palletizing takes Automated Systems To a New Level Robotic

Many times, you must have noticed those big robotic inventions expediting production work. In this article, we will be running the readers through those devices and how they have been a blessing in the field of production of articles/products for the ultimate consumers. How it expedited various operations Automatic palletizers have, time and again, proved […]

What Will Change When 5G Becomes The Standard?

5G – A Revolution We live in a time and world that is increasingly dominated by technology. Day-to-day life without access to any aspect of the electronic devices and the worldwide link is in principle neither imaginable nor feasible. And development is progressing rapidly. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been important topics in the […]

Explainable And Reliable Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent systems are increasingly part of our lives. They are helpful in different areas and help us make decisions. Therefore, there is talk of the need to develop an ethical, explainable, reliable, and transparent Artificial Intelligence. In part also because of the commitment of the European Union and the community that are emerging to establish […]

Explanatory Methods of Artificial Intelligence In Health

Traditionally, most Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods have been considered black boxes to which we give a series of data, and they return a prediction. However, sometimes it is essential to know why our model is making the decisions it is making. For example, decision-making is a critical point in the medical field since a decision […]

Chatbots In Digital Marketing Communication

Chatbots are intended to replace employees in service. What are chatbots? How can they be used in practice? What areas of application and experiences are there? The article illuminates the topic and gives answers. Chatbots as digital service employees Chatbots are emerging as a serious competitor for apps right now. They are independent of operating […]

What Types of Problems Can We Solve With Machine Learning Techniques?

Machine learning can be used to address different types of problems. These can be grouped into categories according to the kind of technique with which their resolution is undertaken. This article aims to give you an overview of machine learning paradigms and the types of problems they are commonly used for. Machine Learning Paradigms As […]

Robots – History, Types & Application

Robots can positively change the world of work – even in small businesses. This introductory article clarifies which types of robots there are and what they can be used for. One type of robot, in particular, is surprising. When people talk about modern work today, one often hears the terms digitization and artificial intelligence. Still, […]

How Artificial intelligence Helps In Recruiting

Artificial intelligence (AI), the simulation of human intelligence through software, is one of the promising trends in digitization. In recruiting, too, there are the first AI solutions that promise faster and more precise matching than human resource searches and selection. Read here why this promise is at least questionable. Artificial Intelligence In Recruiting Artificial intelligence […]

What Advantages Does Business Intelligence Bring To Your Business?

Before business intelligence existed, organizations had to manage the information they based decision-making in a manual and cumbersome way. Even though computers became widespread and it was possible to put them at the service of business processes, it took time and refinement to achieve the desired analysis and storage capacity. Today, big data and powerful […]

How Business Intelligence Can Transform Your Business

Business Intelligence is today an essential tool, allowing consolidation of the various inputs, analyzing them in real-time, and providing an accurate picture of the company’s performance. In addition, it is a tool that will enable organizations to have data on the leading indicators that intervene or directly impact an organization’s objectives. One of its main […]

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