Category: BUSINESS

Advantages And Benefits Of Youtube For Companies & Business

Its absence in the communication strategy is nothing more than a voluntary decision of the brand. The target may not fit the image it is intended to give, but the power of video to generate engagement is undeniable. It is widely studied in social networks such as Facebook or Instagram, and it is redundant on […]

Top Most Business Opportunities In The Technology Sector

1) Internet The great boom comes from two different lines: social networks and cloud computing. Both are two technologies that are in full development, almost at the peak of the market curve, and yet they will still give a lot of room to create businesses or transform one into operation. Cloud Computing The cloud is […]

Bitcoin Buying Guide – Easy 3-Step Guide to Buying Your First Bitcoin

Even the least knowledgeable person in cryptocurrency will know what Bitcoin is; that’s how popular it is. Bitcoin is at the top of the list when looking at the most famous digital currencies and the largest market capitalization. If you’ve decided to get started, but you don’t know how to buy bitcoin in India, you’ll […]

Ten Most Effective Ways To Improve Conversions On Your Shopify Store

Online selling has gained massive momentum in recent years. Especially after the Covid-19 crisis, more and more brick and mortar stores are planning to set up their retail store online where they can provide excellent customer service without needing their customers to visit their shops and stores personally. Even if you have the best products […]

How to know and take advantage of what users say about your business and your competition on social networks

Any small or large business must or should already have some type of presence on the Internet, either managed internally within the company or by external professionals. One of the most recurrent resources to manage, especially with a local focus, are social networks that have generated profound changes in the commercialization of goods and services […]

What Can Companies Expect from Online Faxing Services?

Business owners compare business services according to their current needs, and they find the online faxing is just as convenient and practical as other internet-based services. Instead of buying equipment, the business owner can use online services and get the most out of their resources. Business owners won’t need to connect to an on-site fax […]

What is Business Email Compromise (BEC)?

Business E-Mail Compromise is a fraud method that uses fake business e-mails to gain access to sensitive data or to initiate financial transactions, for example. Cybercriminals send emails that appear to come from employees, executives, or business partners and ask the recipient to carry out certain activities in their favor. The abbreviation for Business E-Mail […]

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